Monday, October 18, 2010

Termite colony and observation

Initially the jar looked really neat; meaning it looked untouched and essentially, it was. When the termites were dropped into the jar most of them almost immediately headed towards the wood.

As the weeks progressed the jar started to look more and more like a habitat. The termite had already established tunnels that they were running along, in the bottom of the jar. Also, they were beginning to eat the wood.

It seemed as if the termite just made everything look dirty withing the jar.

My guess to how human interaction affected the termites were probably when a soldier termite saw a hand or any large object it most likely did what it was bred to do; alert everyone within the colony. So that might have threw them off a little.

I thought the this unit was actually kind of interesting, I got to learn a lot more about a termite then I would have imagined. What was interesting was finding out that the termites would follow the lines of ink drawn from a bic pen. My favorite part about this entire unite was when we got to pull the guts out of an abdomen; that was pretty interesting. Along with actually seeing protozoa move around.